Samson AG [Use Case]

Energizing LinkedIn to Elevate Energy Executives. This Is a Story About Unveiling Executive Brilliance and Radiance in Trust-Centric B2B-Marketing.

In the compelling story of The Samson AG, we dive into a transformative journey that transcends conventional B2B Marketing.

This case is about the power of LinkedIn to not only elevate the profiles of energy executives, but to really get to the essence of trust-centric branding. To creating real Energy Influencers and to see executive brilliance and radiance emerge as the driving power behind this new kind of B2B Marketing.

Join us, the Digital Seed, as we explore how forging human connections and showing the people behind the company are setting a new standard for impactful B2B engagement.

By Categories: Case5 min readLast Updated: September 1st, 2024
Post: Samson AG Use Case

3 Article Highlights

  • Creating a Stage for the Communication of Energy Transition.
  • The Empowering of Energy Executives?
  • An Impactful LinkedIn Strategy for Executives
  • No time? [TL;DR] Read Summary

Chapter 1

Creating a Stage for the Communication of Energy Transition

The beginning of our LinkedIn initiative with Samson AG was marked by the clear call, “We need a real stage for all the topics concerning the Energy Transition.”

Driven by the imperative to establish an impactful chance, the energy transition needs deliberate communication that unites everyone as contributors to the solution.

Within this context, the Samson AG realized that the whole industry is lacking a platform to set this necessary communication in motion.

“The energy transition is not just approaching – we are right in the middle of it! As a company directly engaged in crafting solutions for more efficient energy consumption, we need a voice. A channel through which we can disseminate information.”

Says Dirk Eggers, Managing Director of Samson AGs KT-Elektronik. This narrative shows why the whole story started in the first place: Because Samson AG did not just want to raise awareness for their own company but rather illuminate the stage for meaningful conversations, showcasing the human face of the energy industry, and gain trust through genuine engagement.

Chapter 2

The Empowering of Energy Executives

In the realm of energy transition, cultivating thought leaders, industry experts and pioneers was the catalyst for an all-new LinkedIn strategy. What began as a fix idea soon became a new kind of reality as Samson AG orchestrated a symphony of engagement from different perspectives, bringing authentic Energy Influencers on the stage.

Ideas, innovations, topics and discussions – people who engage, shape perspective and influence. So, Samson AG went on a mission to do that as well: Starting a movement that positioned them as trailblazers on LinkedIn. The executive’s leadership’s commitment to this thought leadership manifested in a profound goal: to illuminate society, politicians, other companies and the whole energy sector with more awareness.

To fulfill this goal, we worked on a strategy that reflected all of these aims and included the following main points:

  • Crystal clear positioning for each of the Energy Ambassadors as trailblazers, Thought leader, Experts and people with technical background
  • A content strategy that was designed to underline the profession and know-how of each one of the Ambassadors, since in “real life” they also have different specialties
  • Getting them, all started on LinkedIn – giving them the tools and background to be a successful communicator on the B2B platform – knowing how to find their targets and building up their own community
B2B Marketing Use Case: Samson AG - Digital Seeds positioning model

Digital Seeds positioning model – goals, target group, differentiation and storytelling © Digital Seeds

Chapter 3

The 3 main parts of every impactful LinkedIn strategy

To strengthen industry voices like the ones from Samson AG it was all about a LinkedIn strategy that really fitted the needs of each participant of the Brand Ambassador program. Especially since these people were executives, it needed to be on fleek.

Every LinkedIn strategy made by Digital Seed is woven from threads of Brand Ambassadors, Relevance and Attention. And the Samson Ags journey exemplifies this synthesis, underlined by the commitment to inform, sensitize and engage.

1. Brand Ambassadors: The Illumination

Samson AG used the potent energy of Brand Ambassadors and Thought Leaders, infusing their messages with purpose and resonance. Rooted in a clear LinkedIn positioning, the company channeled their expertise toward the right ears and eyes, creating a bridge between knowledge and impact. Paired with high visibility, personal brands and Thought Leaders, the Brand Ambassadors influence came across the whole LinkedIn landscape.

2. Relevance: Making meaningful connections.

In a sea of content pieces, only the most relevant ones surface. In the case of Samson AG it was clear that relevance is the key through enthusiasm and acceptance of the audience flow. This recognition of the power of strong messages paved the way for becoming industry opinion leaders.

Therefore, a well-designed content strategy became the compass navigating Samson AG towards their target audience, ensuring visibility and fostering recognition.

But the most important part about the Samson AG’s communication was that it focused on only a very specific group of people. Since the company provides niche products, they very carefully picked their targets and provided topics and ideas that nobody else in the energy sector is providing on Social Media so far. This strategy made the whole content mix even more appealing to the audience.

3. Persistent Posting and Impact

Samson AG was very keen on their persistent posting rate and that created an impactful wave of messages that got embedded in the minds of their audience. The commitment to continuous engagement day by day, lead to a highly noticeable communication that was not only heard, but actually be felt by the public.

In summary, when it comes to successful LinkedIn Marketing that aims to have a real impact, it is always necessary to use the strategic interplay containing all three points.

Chapter 4

Praise and Recognition for the Energy Sector’s first Brand Ambassadors on LinkedIn.

Samson AGs pioneering efforts on LinkedIn are nothing short of remarkable. What began as a visionary quest has blossomed into widespread recognition, new connections and solidifying their stature as true trailblazers within the energy industry.

Through the dedication of their brand ambassadors, Samson AG found themselves standing tall in the industry’s spotlight. The clarity of their messages forged a whole new connection with their audience.

That was also because of the resolute targeting of their ideal audience, since that precision made sure that each message found the right recipient. Samson AGs LinkedIn success story shines as a testament to the art of speaking to those who really matter.

Driven by clever processes and an agile approach, the Samson AG achieved the remarkable ability to swiftly transform cutting-edge topics into LinkedIn posts with a real impact. Their content stream is not just a series of posts. It is more like a deck of ideas, discussions, thoughts, and inspiration for those who follow them.

But it is even more than that: posts, slideshows, and polls: Their steady LinkedIn presence created an environment where ideas and innovation can flourish.

And finally: The feedback from their industry colleagues is a testament to their persistent presence and their influence on the whole energy sector’s social media landscape.

“I was recently contacted and asked if I, as a “LinkedIn Energy Influencer,” could contribute to a specific topic. Now, I am definitely convinced that we have become quite visible.”

says Dr. Nicola Kleppmann Managing Director of Samson AG, KT-Elektronik.

B2B Marketing Use Case: Samson AG - Energy Influencer

Dr. Nicola Kleppmann from Samson AG in her role as an “Energy Influencer” © Digital Seeds

And we think – that pretty much sums it all up.

Vanessa Meyer

LinkedIn Marketing Expert, Demandgen Creator and Managing Director of Digital Seed

Hey there, this is Vanessa, one of the Managing Directors and Co-Founder of Digital Seed, the LinkedIn Marketing Agency that created the first big LinkedIn Brand Ambassador campaign. My part of our team is the Brand Ambassador Program – a bootcamp for all people that want to become more successful in promoting their company on LinkedIn. And to do that I have some special skills, like Content Creation, Copywriting, Account Based Marketing and Lead and Demandgen

Core Topics: LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Coaching, Corporate Influencer, Copywriting, Content Creation, Personal Branding, Campaigns and Account Based Marketing

By Categories: Case5 min readLast Updated: September 1st, 2024

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