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Stephan Wenger B2B Marketing

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B2B Marketing Learning Hub

From B2B Marketing Basics to Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing and Examples [+Guides & Resources]

What You’ll Learn

Learn the very basics of B2B Marketing.

Including deep-dive definitions of marketing terms and the main differences between B2B and B2C (=consumer) marketing.

Understand how the marketing funnel contributes to a successful business.

B2B Marketing Strategy & Management

B2B Marketing Strategy & Management

What You’ll Learn

Learn how to create and apply a B2B Marketing strategy. Understand basic strategies, tactics and how a marketing strategy for tech companies works. This section also covers what a CMO is and what a marketing manager does.

B2B Content Marketing

B2B Content Marketing

What You’ll Learn

Read everything about content marketing for B2B markets. Learn what content marketing does for your business, how to create a content marketing strategy and plan and when to gate your content. Use the free content calendar template to plan your content marketing activities.

Digital B2B Marketing

Digital B2B Marketing

What You’ll Learn

Use digital marketing channels and assets for your B2B marketing. Learn everything about digital B2B marketing including how Google search works and how to make use of the different search query types for your B2B company. Use the free LinkedIn dashboard and read the B2B SEO playbook (for dummies).

B2B Marketing Examples

B2B Marketing Examples

What You’ll Learn

Read how others do B2B marketing. See real-life examples from major industry players as well as SME companies. Learn from cases studies or browse through a list of 30+ B2B marketing podcasts and learn whenever you can spare a few minutes.

B2B Sales and Lead Management

B2B Sales and Lead Management

What You’ll Learn

See how marketing and sales needs to work together secure success. Learn basics on B2B sales and lead management including how to make lead calls, what lead creation and nurturing is and how to create demand along the sales funnel.

E-Book: B2B Marketing

From the B2B Marketing World E-Book Series

B2B Marketing World eBook - What is B2B Marketing

Price: € 9.90

Your Comprehensive Guide to Business-To-Business Marketing, Including Industrial Marketing, Differences to B2C Marketing, a Strategy Framework, and Examples.

Why Buying?

  • Actionable Guide, pdf. Document
  • 95 Pages
  • 25+ Figures
  • 10+ Statistics Including Source

Section I – B2B Marketing

  • 1. What is B2B Marketing
  • 2. What is Industrial Marketing
  • 3. B2B Marketing Channels
  • 4. B2B Marketing Strategy

Section II – B2B Marketing Trends and Examples

  • 1. B2B Marketing Trends
  • 2. B2B Marketing Examples

Section III – B2B vs B2C

  • 1. B2B vs. B2C
  • 2. B2B Markets and Customers
  • 3. B2C Markets and Customers
  • 4. Further B2B vs. B2C Characteristics

Section IV – B2B vs B2C Marketing

  • 1. B2B vs. B2C Marketing
  • 2. B2B vs B2C Marketing: Branding
  • 3. B2B vs. B2C Marketing: Customer Relationship
  • 4. B2B vs. B2C Marketing: Marketing Mix
  • 5. B2B vs B2C Marketing: Marketing Channels
  • 6. Use B2C Marketing Tactics for B2B Marketing

Section V – Further Reading and References

  • 1. Analysis of 25 Marketing Definitions

Price: € 9.90

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B2B Marketing World Fox

Who is B2B Marketing World?

B2B Marketing World gives insights, ideas, definitions, and proven strategies for modern Business-to-Business Marketing. B2B marketing describes all activities a company does to market a product or service to another company. The focus is on marketing intending to influence the business relationship of two companies positively.

Stephan Wenger, founder of B2B Marketing World, has over a decade of experience in the industry. He works for big industrial companies and shares his knowledge at university and marketing events.

My vision for B2B Marketing World is to be the main resource for every B2B Marketer out there. ”


Authors on B2B Marketing World

Who is writing for B2B Marketing World? Get to know our Marketing Experts who are sharing their proven knowledge on this blog. B2B Marketing World is happy to accept Guest Authors.

B2B Marketing Authors

Stephan Wenger - Author for B2B Marketing World

B2B Marketing Expert, Founder and Editor of B2B Marketing World. Head of Marketing, Engineering at AVL List.

Theresa Sturm - Author for B2B Marketing World

Founder of the B2B Marketing Agency “VIA Digital” and Performance Marketing Expert

Matthias Haberler - Author for B2B Marketing World

Head of Product Management & Workspace Marketing at Canon Austria

Torben Fangmann - Author for B2B Marketing World

B2B Marketing Manager at LMZ Lenkering

Connor Skelly - Author for B2B Marketing World

B2B Marketing Consultant and Founder of UTM Link Manager

Veselin Mladenov - Author for B2B Marketing World

Content Manager of ThriveMyWay

Andrei Zinkevich - Author for B2B Marketing World

CO-Founder of Fullfunnel.io

Patrick Mitter - Author for B2B Marketing World

Founder and Marketing Manager at PM SEO & Copywriting